Showing The Thong Might Be Wrong

From today’s reading…

Be sure of this, that no immoral or impure or greedy person, that is, an idolater, has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God.”

Idolatry and greed come in many forms.

Daily selfies showing your 6-pack abs, your cleavage, your biceps, your latest tattoo, and your gluteus maximus development is self-idolatry.

Ditto for the half-naked photos by the pool where you are “living my best life.” (What does that even mean?) 

How many photos of your watch and $400 bottles of wine do you really need to share?

Is that boudoir shoot you shared on every social media platform really for your self esteem or your ex-husband or your next ex-husband?

And thank you for letting us know how great your business is doing by sharing screenshots of your checks and bitcoin trades and email deposit notifications.

Thank you for the daily inspiration and reminder to hustle and grind, to focus and sacrifice, to earn more so we can buy more, and hire a videographer to document and share it all so we can inspire the next generation of Timex-wristing, cubicle-dwelling, dad bod-sporting, box wine-drinking, tankini-swimming, flat butt-walking, flannel pajama-sleeping, pencil-armed-flexing, 401K-investing sheep who think volunteering for the HOA and the PTA, being home to make dinner for the family, playing soccer on the weekends, and attending church services on Sunday in a minivan is living.

Your selfless example helps us all know how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.