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Small Business Doubled Their Sales in Under 90 Days With Infusionsoft

Family-Owned Business Grows Sales 149% in 90 Days!

Greg and Marie Rippel are the classic small business owners. They grew tired of the Rat Race and decided to pick up and move from Chicago to Eagle River, Wisconsin, start their own business, All About Spelling, and take control of their own lives. At least, that was their intention.

Their company consisted of selling their multi-sensory spelling program to teachers and home-school parents, the Rippels were able to provide for the needs of their family.

However, like most small business owners, they soon found themselves in the middle of the small business whirlwind – fighting for time, energy, and business growth. Their dream of small business ownership wasn’t turning out quite the way they expected.

Then they entered a contest that would change everything.

On April 28, 2008, Greg and Marie Rippel received one of the most life-altering phone calls of their lives. They were chosen as the winners of Infusionsoft’s Edge of Success Contest and the marketing team was calling to congratulate them.

As the winners of Infusionsoft’s “Double Your Sales” contest, All About Spelling received a free Infusionsoft account for one year, the support of Infusionsoft’s marketing department, and a guarantee that they would double their sales in three short months.

The All About Spelling Challenge (You May Be Struggling With The Same Problems!)

Situation: A faltering economy and only 90 days to double sales.

Now do you understand why every Infusionsoft employee was holding their breath when they took on this challenge?

It was a tall order to fill and all the pressure was on me. Somehow the sales for July through September had to double from their sales from April through June.

Infusionsoft Banner

Now, obviously you wouldn’t be reading this if Infusionsoft hadn’t succeeded. But no one had any idea how extraordinary All About Spelling’s success would be. (I’ll give you the results in a minute, but first let me show you why All About Spelling needed a powerful marketing tool like Infusionsoft.)

Before using Infusionsoft, All About Spelling was struggling to keep in contact with their prospects and customers. Despite the 5,000 names in their database, and their monthly newsletter, they failed to:

  • Capture leads from their website (except through a newsletter sign-up)

  • Segment their leads

  • Promote their products with follow-up marketing sequences

  • Nurture customers by creating a personal relationship

  • Use a referral system to sell more products

  • Up sell products on their website

Screenshot of All About Spelling's Website

By simply fixing these issues, Infusionsoft was prepared to help them double their sales. After all, they had an incredible product, their website housed dozens of raving testimonials, their customer service was fantastic, and Greg and Marie Rippel took the time to speak directly with concerned customers and prospects.

But without a follow-up marketing plan in place, All About Spelling was missing out on thousands of dollars in revenue every month. Prospects weren’t taking that final step and making the purchase. Existing customers lost their enthusiasm and drifted away.

In fact, repeat business was dropping off by 50% from one product to the next. And, Marie and Greg Rippel were becoming overwhelmed with their manual efforts. Like most small business owners, the Rippels struggled to keep up with their workload. They were talking to customers on the phone, hand writing letters and manually sending emails, packaging their own products, and completing a million other repetitive, manual tasks. They were using multiple systems to organize their marketing and sales efforts.

The more they worked, the more they were forced to work, and the less time they had to spend with each other doing the things they loved like hiking, mountain biking and fishing.

What they were looking for was a solution to save them time and energy, and help them grow their business. Then, they found Infusionsoft.

The Amazing Results That Blew Everyone Away

Okay, this is the information you really want. The results! We won’t leave you wondering anymore. By implementing Infusionsoft into their business, All About Spelling:

  • MATCHED their April – June 2008 sales within the first 31 days

  • Doubled the sales of the previous three months on the 72nd day

  • Saw a 149% increase in sales at the end of three months

But that’s not all! By the end of three months:

  • All About Spelling’s contact list grew from 5,863 to 10,632. To date, they have increased their list size to 15,514 contacts.

  • They successfully launched an affiliate program.

  • Jumped from 599 purchases in a 3 month period to 1232 purchases.

  • The average order amount increased by 16% – thanks to the up selling capabilities in Infusionsoft’s shopping cart.

Each month, All About Spelling has easily outsold their results from the previous year. Despite the impact of the recession! And, all they did was use Infusionsoft to fix the greatest (and most common) of all small business downfalls: the lack of follow-up.

On top of that, the Rippels found more time to focus on the things they want to do most!

And Infusionsoft has the power to help YOU find more time, increase your revenue, build your business, and reach your most ambitious goals. How? With our three part promise to you!

Promise #1: Infusionsoft Helps You…Convert More Leads

People buy when they are ready to buy. Which means timing is critical to capturing sales. But it can be really difficult, especially for small businesses, to consistently follow-up with prospects and be available when they are finally ready to make a purchase. You’ve got a business to run. You can’t be spending your time waiting for a prospect to finally buy.

Infusionsoft allows you to systematically and automatically follow-up with prospects so that you’re standing there the moment they need you and your services or products. Imagine how great it would be if you were able to:

  • Put your follow-up marketing sequences on autopilot

  • Instantly reach out to new leads…whether you find them online or offline

  • Segment prospects into meaningful lists for more targeted marketing

  • Ensure ALL your prospects are consistently followed up with

  • And much more!

With Infusionsoft, you’ll never let another prospect fall through the cracks again. And, you can stop leaving money on the table with untapped prospects. 

“I realized I couldn’t do everything on my own. I had to find a way to automate my business. Infusionsoft’s follow-up sequences allowed me to simultaneously create a 15-step new customer “welcome” campaign, as well as create a “reactivation” campaign for my customers. Before I knew it, sales soared by 200%.”

– Richelle Shaw, Fresh Start Telephone

Promise #2: Infusionsoft Helps You…Get Repeat Sales From Customers

If you’re like most small business owners, you have an untapped resource…your existing customers. Unfortunately, most small business owners are too busy chasing new leads to worry about their customers’ needs. After all, you’ve got to pay the bills, right?

But ironically, it’s more cost effective to get a repeat sale from an existing customer than it is to sell to a new prospect. Why? Because once you’ve established a business relationship with a customer, they are more likely to buy from you again…IF they remember you.

With Infusionsoft, you can easily generate repeat sales from your customers by:

  • Tracking marketing correspondence, appointments, and tasks with your customers

  • Automating consistent follow-up messages such as newsletters, weekly tips, and upcoming sales

  • Segmenting your customers into meaningful lists that include past purchases, buying history, and typical sale price

  • And so much more!

Give your customers the one thing they want most…a relationship with you. And, of course, it’s all automated.

Promise #3: Infusionsoft Helps You…Grow Your Business Without Growing Your Staff

Growing a small business can be challenging. Most small business owners already juggle an overwhelming workload so the only way to grow is to add staff. Unfortunately for many businesses, adding staff would kill their profit margins. But there is another option.

Infusionsoft helps you grow your business without growing your staff by improving the efficiency of your operations, enabling you to do more with less.

With Infusionsoft, you can:

  • Kick start your marketing efforts with our pre-loaded campaign sequences and email templates

  • Automate recurring billing programs

  • Instantly create marketing and sales reports…so you know what’s working and what isn’t

  • Track email deliverability and open rates

  • And so much more!

See what’s working. Fix what isn’t. Put your business on autopilot so you can focus your time on the things that matter most.

Infusionsoft is not a magic solution. It’s the best, most effective way to fix your follow-up failure and drive more revenue.

“I learned about Infusionsoft at just the right time. I was just getting to the point where I didn’t know if I could continue to grow my business because I didn’t know how to manage all of my contacts. I didn’t know what to do next. Infusionsoft cut down the time it took me to manage my business; it literally works while I am not working.”

– Shelle Soelberg, Let’s Play Music

This is the Very Same Software the Gurus are Using

The All About Spelling story is certainly phenomenal. But it’s possible you’re still not convinced Infusionsoft has the power to double sales. Maybe you need a little more proof than the phenomenal results of a single company.

Well, do the following names mean anything to you?

  • Dan Kennedy

  • Dave Dee

  • Joe Polish

  • Mark Victor Hansen

  • Michael Gerber

  • Jim Cecil

  • Ed O’Keefe

  • Bill Glazer

  • Mal Emery

  • Perry Marshall

  • Ron Legrand

  • Frank Kern

  • Sean Greeley

  • Jay Abraham

  • Matt Bacak

  • Rich Schefren

  • Yanik Silver

  • Alex Mandossian

They sure mean something to us. Each of these multi-million dollar small business and marketing experts are Infusionsoft customers. And, all of them endorse Infusionsoft!

And Now YOU Can Get Your Hands on Infusionsoft with the Guarantee Offered All About Spelling!

All About Spelling was not a unique business. Their results are not unique to them. They were chosen as Infusionsoft’s ultimate case study because they were the best representation of the average, typical, entrepreneurial, and strong spirited small business. Which means you, too, can double your sales using Infusionsoft.

Bottom line: Infusionsoft is the most powerful marketing tool any small business can possess. With Infusionsoft you can easily:

  • Close more sales from leads

  • Get repeat sales from customers

  • Grow your business without growing your staff

We are so confident in Infusionsoft’s ability to help you grow your business, we’re willing to give you the guarantee we gave the Rippels.

Infusionsoft Guarantees to Double Your Sales

It’s simple:

Implement the software…use it for 12 months…bring on affiliates…implement the ecommerce features…and you’ll double your sales in 12 months or less guaranteed! If you don’t you’ll get 50% of your monthly fees returned to you. Which makes this a win-win situation. Either you double your sales within a single year with Infusionsoft’s unlimited free tech support, send out thousands of emails a month, build a list of thousands or even tens of thousands or you get half of your money back.

“There is NOTHING better than Infusionsoft. In 4 months I’ve made a 180 switch from first thinking, ‘DAMN, that’s pricey’ to ‘Ok, you got me’ and now ‘I couldn’t imagine my life B.I. (before Infusionsoft)…because this thing is INCREDIBLE!’ If you’re serious about systemizing and automating your business, then you NEED Infusionsoft.”

– Sean Greeley, NPE, LLC

But, you have to act now! You see, although ANY small business can double their sales using Infusionsoft, the guarantee only applies to people THAT TAKE ACTION!

After all, no matter how powerful the software is, you must use it in order to double your sales. So, I am looking for entrepreneurs who:

  1. Understand the value of marketing

  2. Are ready to grow (and grow fast)

  3. Are willing to commit to their success

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