Social Media Enables Bi-Location

When I first wrote this post on August 10, 2009, sharing updates and images across multiple platforms was a pretty cool trick.

Today, (Jan 8, 2015) tools such as Buffer, Co-Schedule, HootSuite, Sprout Social, even Instagram provide social media tools that essentially enable bi-location. (For you non-techies out there, it means you can appear to be in two places at once.) Most of these tools are free to use and those that are not, are usually quite affordable.

Again, back in 2009 I wrote “I’m at Starbuck’s before a meeting and bust out my iPhone with my free WordPress app and jot this note that simultaneously posts to my blog, my Facebook and my Twitter accounts. All of which lead to deposits in my bank account. Gotta love technology.”

When it comes to marketing, you need to be where your prospects are. That means it’s in your best interest to at least create profiles on the hot virtual real estate such as

It’s really smart to do this if you can link them all into one software tool—like I do with Buffer—and share one post across all of these platforms.

It’s the same reason companies will buy billboards and Yellow Page ads and slap their ads on the sides of busses and the tops of taxi cabs and send you direct mail. Except with technology and social media, you can be everywhere at a fraction of the cost of those other mediums.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:

Good Selling

Credit: Sean MacEntee for use of his “social media” image on Flickr