Some Pharisees Put Jesus To The Test

From today’s reading…

Some Pharisees approached him, and to put him to the test they said, ‘Is it against the Law for a man to divorce his wife on any pretext whatever?’” Matthew 19:3

The Pharisees were ostentatious, hypocritical, and greedy (among other things).

The wisdom and popularity of Jesus were a threat to them.

They did not seek the Truth when they engaged with Jesus.

Instead, they sought to trip Him up to bring Him down.

There are plenty of people like that in the world today.

You see them in national, state, and local politics.

They are on your school boards, PTAs, and HOAs.

They are at your company, at your church, and even inside your own family.

Make sure you’re not one of them.

Make sure you seek to understand more than to be understood.

Follow the new ABCs of selling to connect with those around you, i.e., always be curious, always be courteous, always be concise. (Yes, concise, because nobody likes to hear a bloviating, self-righteous, pontificating know-it-all who loves the sound of his own voice…but I digress.)

Now, where was I? Oh, yeah:

  1. Don’t put Jesus to the test.

  2. If you don’t understand His teachings, ask smarter people than you to help explain them.

  3. Meditate on them.

  4. Research them.

  5. Pray about them, and

  6. Follow them, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.