Source of Life. Light of Light.

From today’s reading…

…in you is the source of life, by your light we see the light.” Psalm 36:9

Something, i.e., you, me, bourbon, cannot come from nothing.

You know this because you have told us ad naseum that you “believe in science.”


We are in agreement that whatever there is, it has some sort of a finite, absolute starting point.

So if something, i.e., our consciousness and our reality, cannot come from nothing, where did you and I come from?

Remember, my science-believing friend, something can’t come from nothing, so either reality itself is eternal, or it sprung forth from something eternal.

The only way for our present reality to have an ultimate beginning is if something can, in fact, come from nothing.

Otherwise, everything requires something else prior to it, thus mandating that something must have always existed.

So, can something come from nothing, or does an eternal life force, i.e., God, exist, and He made it all?*

The Psalmist knew the answer thousands of years ago, as do I, and I hope you come to agree with us on this point, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.