Sow The Word of God

From today’s reading…

What the sower is sowing is the word.” Mark 4:14

God spoke the world into existence.

In fact, in the first chapter of Genesis, we read “God said” nine times, so the spoken word is powerful. We’re reminded of this in John 1:1 where we read, ”In the beginning was the Word: the Word was with God and the Word was God.”

What does it mean “the Word was God” and why should we care?

Since you and I are made in the image of God, it also means we have the power to speak worlds into existence.

“Come on, Wes! Are you saying we’re all like Thanos and can throw Infinity Stones around and create our own universe?”

Yes and no.

No, we cannot create literal planets that we can inhabit and dip our toes in the sand. However, the human mind has great difficulty in determining the difference between real and imagined worlds. It’s why we jump when the shark or bad guy attacks in a movie. We’re so locked in and focused on the movie—and we’ve so successfully tuned out everything else—that we believe, at that moment, that our lives are at risk.

We are suspending reality and replacing it with a televised reality and it feels real. We’re anxious, scared, worked up, and dialed in to what is happening on that screen.

Likewise, we create our own worlds every day in our self-talk, which, far too often, is self-doubt. We tell ourselves we’re no good, that we’re going to fail, “what’s the use” in trying to lose weight or start a new business or apply for a new job.

Similarly, we tell ourselves we are unworthy of love, that our sins are too great, that our sins are unforgivable.

That’s the devil talking. That’s Satan “carrying away the word” (v15) so it cannot take root and “yield a harvest, thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.” (v20)

You have great power because you are made in the image of the Creator and Source of all power. So listen to His word and speak it in how you live it, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.