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  • Spend Two Days With Your Keap CRM Consultant To Really Grow

Spend Two Days With Your Keap CRM Consultant To Really Grow

Dan Kennedy told us in a small group training to “embrace complexity.”

This flies in the face of the KISS principle, which tells us to Keep It Simple, Stupid.

They are both right.

Your follow-up, deliver/delight, testimonial/referral process should be complex.

It should have many, many steps.

It should have many “if/then” statements and checks.

It should include multimedia.

It should run for weeks if not months, maybe even years. In this way, it should be complex.

Yet the principles you follow in creating your marketing and follow-up pieces should be simple.

  • Segment your list to send relevant messages to your market in a timely manner.

  • Have an interesting headline.

  • Have a clear call to action.

  • Have an irresistible offer.

  • Have a deadline.

  • Have many ways to respond.

  • Include an image and/or interesting graphic.

  • Include a caption under the image.

  • Be interesting.

That’s why I offer the Keap Implementation Accelerator with a team of sales, marketing, SEO, PPC, CRM, social media marketing, and e-commerce experts to help you automate, integrate, dominate, and celebrate.


The brainpower and creativity in this room are humbling and inspiring.

I’ve been a part of many of the Infusionsoft Implementation Accelerators, going all the way back to the very first one in December of 2011.

Now my team consists of experts in the fields of email marketing, SEO, membership sites, web design, copywriting, API coding, graphic design, and CRM automation.

We strategize with you for days before you even show up to ensure we:

  1. Understand your situation.

  2. Uncover all obstacles.

  3. Discover your hidden / under-utilized opportunities.

  4. Map out your action plan.

  5. Prioritize your plan of attack.

  6. Assign the next steps to your entire team to make the most out of our two days together.

Results from one Infusionsoft Implementation Accelerator I led recently:

What an amazing experience thus far.”

  • Secured new hosting and better URLs for his 6 sites.

  • His membership site is up with the framework in place.

  • Products are loaded with new, higher pricing, tied to his shopping cart and membership site.

  • 48 videos are being uploaded to finalize the membership site today.

  • API code is being written to automate 100% of his new client onboarding, which will allow him to grow exponentially by the end of the week.

  • Recorded 8 short videos introducing his offering, instructing visitors on the next step, thanking them for enrolling, and providing additional instructions on how to use his offering to achieve maximum results.

  • Then we launched it all.

If you really want to grow your business, get my team of sales and inbound marketing experts to focus on you and your business for 48 hours and hold on to your hat.