Stir Like Samson

From today’s reading…

The woman bore a son and named him Samson.

The boy grew up and the LORD blessed him;

the Spirit of the LORD stirred him.”

Samson’s father was Manoah. He and his wife were unable to have children until an angel of the Lord spoke to her and told her of the blessing of motherhood that was coming her way.

There are other prominent women in the Bible who were barren at first and entered motherhood later in life:

So when a child is born to a formerly-barren woman, that child is called to do great things, as Samson did.

I’ll leave his story for later but as we approach the celebration of another special birth let’s take a moment to recognize the miracle of all children from the moment of conception because they are created with the hand of God just like Samson, Isaac, Esau, Jacob, Joseph, Benjamin, John, Jesus, and even you and me.

Knowing you were chosen and have the Spirit of the Lord stirring in you should help you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.