Take a Chill Pill

From today’s reading…

Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things.”

Mary was sitting with Jesus while Martha was setting an example for a future Martha (Stewart) who lived by the adage “Life is too complicated not to be orderly.”

Sure she was a good hostess in the technical sense of the word, but sometimes your guests—including family—just need you to sit with them.

Martha couldn’t bring herself to bust out a bag of chips, store-bought salsa, and some cold drinks. Oh no. She had to be the “hostess with the mostest” and then tried to throw Mary under the bus for not ignoring their guest and doing things her way.

In other words, Martha was majoring in the minors.

We’ve all done it in business…

  • “When I get my business cards I’ll go out prospecting.”

  • “When my website’s done I’ll be ready to sell.”

  • “After I go to this next conference I’ll be ready to launch my new idea.”

  • “After I do my expenses, and get some coffee, and reply to a few emails, and reorganize my pen drawer, and take a couple of selfies for Instagram, and print a few more pictures for my vision board, and ‘research’ a few target accounts on LinkedIn I’ll make a couple of prospecting calls…unless of course, I get invited to an early happy hour.”

  • “After I hire this over-priced self-professed goo-roo for a year I’ll be ready to do my own thing…that is, if I have any money left over.”

We’ve all done it in life…

  • “When my work isn’t so hectic I’ll start eating better and get back to the gym.”

  • “I’ll miss most of my kid’s games this season but it’s only for this one season while I put in enough overtime to buy a new car.”

  • “When the game is over I’ll take the kids to the park…unless it goes into overtime.”

  • “I had a really hard day and I need a drink, but when I finish it I’ll read the kids a bedtime story…if they’re still awake.”

  • “Oh I’d love to see you and catch up, it’s been too long. But you know what? The house is a mess and we’re so busy with sports and work and we’re about to go on a quick trip…maybe we can get together when we get back. Yeah. Let’s do that. Let’s stay in touch. Thanks for the call. You sound really good.”

Martha was doing the right thing for the right reasons at the wrong time.

Sometimes life calls for homemade maple citrus roasted pecans served with Gewürztraminer in Waterford® crystal wine glasses.

Sometimes life calls for Peter Pan on graham crackers with milk in a Dixie® Cup.

It’s our job in life to see, to observe, and to recognize those times and act accordingly to serve the greater good.

Learn from Martha’s mistake.Learn from your mistakes.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.