Talk to 10x More Prospects, Chris Beall, Connect and Sell

  • Push a button

  • Talk to targets

  • Not too good to be true

  • Stumbled upon ConnectAndSell

  • Shawn McLaren was the founder

  • Chris is a physicist

  • Came in as the VP of Products

  • Became CEO in 2014

  • Humans in the background do the grunt work but they’re armed to the teeth with technology to get you in touch with the right prospect

  • Makes 50 million dials a year

You “

  • Prospects are afraid of us since we ambush them

  • But they respond to how we treat them

  • We have seven seconds to get them to trust us

  • Show the other person that we see the world through their eyes

  • Show we are competent to solve a problem they have right now

  • “I know I’m an interruption. May I take 27 seconds” with a playful voice

  • Trust is the result

  • Round numbers are too odd to be believable

  • “I believe I’ve discovered a breakthrough.”

  • “Do you have your calendar handy?” in a playful voice

  • You are the silver bullet

  • It’s your job to hit the curveball

  • Sales is easy to get into so it attracts lower talent

  • Talking and listening is easy enough but they don’t read or write well

  • It’s not fair to ask salespeople to do research or process design

  • He has lead pools instead of territories

  • His agents are not dialers because it doesn’t scale

  • He uses centralized servers

  • It’s like requesting an Uber. It won’t connect unless you ask.

  • 14.79 dials to have a conversation

  • 2 min, 18 seconds between conversations

  • CRM is automated so it’s updated perfectly every time

  • Always circle back on ideal prospects

  • Call back those who hung up on you the next day or next week

  • “Hey, when we last spoke you didn’t have time to talk. Is now a better time?”

  • Only 3 out of 218 asked to be taken off the list

  • 0.9% blocked by gatekeeper

  • 21.7 to 24.2 dials to connect since COVID

  • Psychological consistency is key

  • They never get over the ambush on the first call

  • “The Venus flytrap” objection is “Tell me more” and they reply with “We’re all set” and you’re dead

  • Horses are big like prospects and they can always run away

  • Get them to come to you and take a meeting

  • Offer a carrot

  • He offers 700 test drives a year

  • Cold Calling Flight School, nail the message, takeoff (the first 7 seconds), free flight (27 seconds), landing (setting the meeting), turbulence (objections)

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast