Tend the Flock of God

From today’s reading…

Do not lord it over those assigned to you,

but be examples to the flock.

And when the chief Shepherd is revealed,

you will receive the unfading crown of glory.”

Leadership is hard.

“It’s lonely at the top” (we are told).

But being a follower has its drawbacks as well as my dad would always remind me “unless you’re the lead dog, the scenery never changes.”

If you are called to be in a position of leadership and authority, be firm but be kind. Lead by example. Understand the power and influence you have because the sheep need a shepherd. They will literally wander off alone to be devoured by wolves, walk off cliffs in the dark, or get swept away in a flood without your patient, loving guidance.

As a leader you are called to…

Tend the flock of God in your midst,

overseeing not by constraint but willingly,…”

which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.