The Ancient One Took His Thrown

From today’s reading…

Thrones were set up

and the Ancient One took his throne.

His clothing was bright as snow,

and the hair on his head as white as wool;

his throne was flames of fire,

with wheels of burning fire.”

What does “the Ancient One” then do?

As he is served by “Thousands upon thousands”…”and myriads upon myriads” he judges.

You. Me. Everyone.

But He does not entrap us. This isn’t a sting. Chris Hansen is not waiting in the kitchen with a camera crew to catch you trying to meet young girls.

No. The Ancient One sends His only Son to clearly explain what is expected of us.

And He encourages His Son by visiting Him with Moses and Elijah. 

Then He encourages the disciples of His Son by speaking directly to them.

This is my chosen Son; listen to him.”

He holds nothing back in helping us, which is why He holds nothing back in judging us.

When we listen to His Son we are shown exactly how to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.