The Antichrist Is Already In The World

From today’s reading…

This is the spirit of the antichrist

who, as you heard, is to come,

but in fact is already in the world.”

Almost four years ago I wrote a post entitled, “You Can’t Climb a Smooth Mountain.”

The concept is that the cracks and plateaus come in handy for your hands and feet to use as leverage and places to rest when you’re climbing a big mountain that does not care if you live or die.

Similarly, your sins are literal cracks in your soul that give the antichrist a foothold, a lever, a place to hold onto and either slow you down or bring you down because his only goal is to kill your soul.

Your sins—my sins—are of the antichrist who wants to trick you and me into believing he either doesn’t exist, hasn’t yet come, or that he’s not that big a deal.

When things don’t exist, we don’t have to worry about them, which frees us up to…worry about everyone else!

We shift our focus away from the beams in our own eyes and focus on the splinters in everyone else’s.


Don’t be like Kim Kardashian who tells us “Climate change is real” as she flies in a private 747—yes, a SEVEN FORTY-SEVEN! THE SAME PLANE THE PRESIDENT FLIES IN!

(Her ONE TRIP literally spewed out more pollution than 100 people will produce in a year, but she wants to virtue signal to us about climate change. But I digress.)

Likewise, don’t be like the abortion-loving actress Michelle William who said on the Golden Globes awards last night,

…as women and as girls, things can happen to our bodies that are not our choice.”

What does this mean?

Not even the Virgin Mary became pregnant without her choosing to accept Jesus and freely accept her role in our salvation.

What’s that? Some women don’t “choose” to get pregnant when they have sex?

That’s like saying,

I didn’t choose to get fat when I ate deep dish pizza and ice cream every night for a year” or…

I didn’t choose to veer into oncoming traffic when I drank a 12-pack at the beach and drove home.”

Well, actions have consequences, and the antichrist wants us to not just downplay the cracks in our souls, i.e. our sins, he wants us to call bad good and good, bad, but Isaiah 5:20 warns us about them:

Ah! Those who call evil good, and good evil,

who change darkness to light, and light into darkness,

who change bitter to sweet, and sweet into bitter!

Ah! Those who are wise in their own eyes,

prudent in their own view!

Ah! Those who are champions at drinking wine,

masters at mixing drink!

Those who acquit the guilty for bribes,

and deprive the innocent of justice!”

Those people will be burned to nothing and their ashes blown by the wind.

Instead of passing the buck, deflecting the blame, and judging others, use that energy to clean up your garage, de-clutter your closet, straighten your desk, sterilize your computer browsing, and lock down your smartphone.

Then clean your room because the antichrist has been among us since the Garden of Eden, and he’s getting more powerful by your willful ignorance.

You must recognize that now and do all you can to make your soul smooth so he has no foothold to drag you down because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.