The Archangels Are Ready For Battle

From today’s reading…

And then he added, ‘In all truth I tell you, you will see heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending over the Son of man.’” John 1:51

Around February of 1992 I took a trip to Hill AFB in Salt Lake City, UT.

It was my senior year at USAFA and I was chosen to go up in an F-16 as part of a 16-ship, 90-minute training flight. Let me tell ya somethin’.

You ain’t seen nothing until you’ve been strapped into an F-16 with your helmet, face mask, flight suit, and g-suit along with 15 of your new best friends all staggered on the runway and you look out the cockpit to see the sun glistening off the surrounding mountains and you realize you’re going to get an up-close-and-personal look at those on this bombing run on which you are about to partake.

On second thought. You really ain’t seen nuthin’ until you break through a low deck of thick cumulus clouds to find yourself about 36” off the wing of another F-16 as you’re both doing about 400 knots and the pilots are so close they’re using hand signals to communicate!

On third thought. You really ain’t seen nuthin’ at all until you see the archangels of God clearing the way and making straight the path for the Son of man.

They’ll knock those sixteen F-16s out of the sky with a backhand because they were made for battle, because the devil has chosen to fight to the death, and his goal is to take you and me with him, which is why we must…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.