The B-IN-efits of Being OUT of Sync

Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, Apple Mail…

Skype, AIM, SMS, MMS, IM and VoIP…

All of the above make Henry Ford’s quote more prescient and apropos than ever:

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it.”

While I readily admit to being an “out-of-the-closet” Geek with the latest iPhone, iPad Pro, Apple Pencil, MacBook Pro, 27″ iMac, Apple Watch, and more…I am able to disconnect to get things done, especially thinking and writing.

For example, this morning I got up late—4:56 am instead of 4:30 am—to get my writing in.

Seven days a week you’ll find me typing away before 5:00 am to think and to write.

Mornings are when I do my best thinking and jot down my best business building ideas for you and for me.

The phone is not ringing…the family is still sleeping…I don’t check email…I just do what I need to do to grow my business.

Pay Yourself First

It’s my form of “paying myself first.”

To have a nice retirement you need to set money aside from every check and literally pay yourself first.

When you’re flying on an airplane and lose cabin pressure…put your mask on first then help those who may need assistance. 

You need to do the same in growing your business.

Maybe the mornings aren’t your best time but you need quiet time every day to work on yourself and your business growth.

Technology is a beautiful thing. It can save our lives but it can also ruin our business and our lives.

Surfing the web, following celebrity gossip, haggling with strangers on Facebook about who should win the election (will that ever end?) may be fine breaks or hobbies or distractions…but if they are interfering with you getting your important work, your deep work, done then get out of synch.

Get out of touch.

Disconnect from those distractions and focus.

After a week of seeing how much you got done you’ll realize the bINefits of being OUT of sync to grow your sales.

Market like you mean it.Now go sell something.