The Beholder Buys The Beauty You Help Them See

I just got back from a 3-day visit to San Francisco with my oldest child—Jake—who was visiting a brand new college that will take over higher education.

For the most part, when you mention you are visiting San Francisco, you hear things like

  • “I love the city.”

  • “I love the energy.”

  • “It’s such a beautiful city.”

  • “There’s so much to do there.”

And they’re right.

Jake got to see Alcatraz.

We ate lunch in Chinatown.

He took in an incredible art exhibit.

And we walked up some big hills!

Sights of San Francisco

Or that trash and filth are everywhere?

dirty san francisco streets wes schaeffer

I’m pretty sure the city planners and elected officials understand that garbage-bag-wearing men and theft and filth do not sell, so they don’t lead with it in their marketing campaigns.

But I assure you those planners and politicians do spend considerable time and energy on those issues, else they get out of hand and out of control to the point everyone is talking about them while spending their tourism dollars—and tax revenue—in other cities.

The same is true of your own business: highlight and accentuate the positive and the beautiful and the unique, while always focusing on improving the messy, the ugly, the inefficient, the junk.

And don’t shy away from the critiques and even criticism that will come your way when you put yourself out there and people get to peek under the hood.

To avoid criticism, do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” ~ Elbert Hubbard

Be your own form of beautiful and share it with the world.

Those that love you will embrace you.

Those that don’t, won’t. It’s their choice, and maybe their loss.

But whatever you do, don’t do nothing, my beautiful entrepreneur.

Now go sell something.