The Blessings of Children Within You

From today’s reading…

Praise Yahweh, Jerusalem, Zion, praise your God. For he gives strength to the bars of your gates, he blesses your children within you,…” Psalm 147:12-13

Why doesn’t the Psalmist say “your unviable tissue masses within you” or “those clump of cells within you”?

How is it that “superstitious simpletons” with “imaginary friends in the sky” knew thousands of years ago that children are created and carried inside us while “intelligent, tolerant, loving, progressive, woke, science-believers” say children in the womb are not children?

Can we claim to be an advanced civilization—or even civil or a society at all—if we ignore what has been known since the dawn of man and teach and even encourage others to believe and to act similarly?

In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew 5:17-19, Jesus warns what will happen to those “who infringes even one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same,” and it ain’t good.

So follow the advice in the ancient Psalms since it’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.