The Bride Finds Her Groom

From today’s reading…

The Bride says:

On my bed at night I sought him

whom my heart loves–

I sought him but I did not find him.

I will rise then and go about the city;

in the streets and crossings I will seek

Him whom my heart loves.”

From the Song of Songs (or Canticle of Canticles), which is a marvelous collection of love lyrics. They have been organized in such a way to tell a powerful story of courting and even passion, both of which are good and admirable when used appropriately. 

In today’s short reading the Bride finds what/who she’s looking for. (What are you looking for?) And let’s be clear: she’s looking to spend alone time with her Groom in bed, thus the goodness of our human sexuality explored and shared in the marital union is affirmed here.

Throughout the Bible we see reference to Jesus as the bridegroom and we, His Church, as His bride. The marital relationship is a powerful, sacred union and it is not used accidentally or by chance in the Song of Songs or the rest of the Bible.

Understanding and living up to our calling as brides and grooms, as givers and receivers, as lovers and beyond is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.