The Covenant King

From today’s reading…

When all the elders of Israel came to David in Hebron,

King David made a covenant with them there before the LORD,

and they anointed him king of Israel.”

Kings don’t typically make deals—nor especially, *covenants—with their people, a.k.a. their subjects. The peons, peasants, and serfs—as well as the knights, dukes, lords, and clergy—were subjected to his rule and whim because, ahh, well…it’s good to be the king.

David, though, was different.

And as we see each day in the tapestry of our daily readings, the old foreshadowed the new.

David, the king, treated the 12 elders as his peers, thus the formation of a covenant, a pact, or agreement between equals.

Like the King of Kings who was to follow from David’s lineage, David was 30 years old when he became king and reigned 40 years. (We know Jesus was 30 when He began making…headlines, and 33 when His first “reign” was brought to end. While that is obviously three years it could easily have been—and probably was—40 months. We also know He spent 40 days in the desert to prepare the final phase of His work, and He stayed with the Apostles and disciples for 40 days after His resurrection.)

The deeper you look, the more obvious and amazing the Word and the Will of God becomes, which is that He wants you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

*Thanks for your pearls of wisdom in today’s homily, Fr. Bartus.