The Elite Will Plot To Destroy The Good

From today’s reading…

At this the Pharisees went out and began to plot against him, discussing how to destroy him.” Matthew 12:14

There are countless movies and documentaries on criminals who built massive empires, only to be taken out by a rival or a trusted insider.

When I see these stories, I always wonder what positive impact they could have had on the world if they had applied their skills and efforts for good instead of evil.Sometimes these criminals were born into that lifestyle and simply climbed the ladder in front of them.

But others allow themselves to be enticed and seduced because they believe the lie that the grass is greener.Then momentum and pride kick in because they all eventually realize that they made a mistake. That they were weak and caved.

That they took the path of least resistance.

That they took shortcuts, cut corners, and hit the easy button.But they can’t admit it, so they go along with the lie.

They enhance the lie.

They double down on the lie until they can no longer tell the truth from the lie, which is why and how it becomes easy—necessary to their own twisted way of thinking—to smite the good, to cover the light, to blow out the flame…because evil loves darkness. The liars cannot allow their ways to be discovered, i.e., pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.This happens in our schools.

This happens in our military.

This happens in our churches.

This happens anywhere two or more people are gathered.Fight the urge to cut corners.

Fight the plotters and the schemers, regardless of their titles and positions.

Good men must not do nothing because that’s how evil prospers, so fight, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.