The Foundation of the Apostles

From today’s reading…

You are built upon the foundations of the apostles and prophets, and Christ Jesus himself is the cornerstone.” Ephesians 2:20

Today we see in both Ephesians 2 and Luke 6 the importance of the apostles. God didn’t send His Son to make the world all rainbows and unicorns with the snap of His fingers. He sent His Son to lead by example.

We tend to forget that being fully human, Jesus understands our frailties and weaknesses. He understands our need for role models and structure.

He knows that when the cat’s away the mice will play, which is why He chose 12 from among His followers, and He chose one of those 12 to be the first among equals.

They were chosen to help guide us.

They were there to continue spreading the Good News. Without structure and leadership, we are a mess. Ships need both a rudder and a North Star. They need a Captain, a Navigator, and an entire crew to help them, you, and me…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.