The Heaven That Is Unleavened

From today’s reading…

Since the dough they had brought out of Egypt was not leavened,

they baked it into unleavened loaves.

They had rushed out of Egypt and had no opportunity

even to prepare food for the journey.”

The Israelites knew that fortune favors the bold. They were given an opportunity for freedom and they took it.

Why do you not strike when the iron is hot? (Do you even know the source of that saying? Of either of these sayings?)

You’re afraid of making a bad decision but indecision is a bad decision.

But why are you so afraid of making a decision?

It’s because you’re making decisions for the wrong reasons.

It’s because you’re making decisions with no clear goals.

It’s because you’re making decisions that go against your intuition, your little voice…God’s will.

And you know it.

Your mom was right. Don’t go jumping off a bridge—or making stupid decisions—or freezing in place—just because “everyone else” is doing it.

When you seek to know and follow the will of God, you’ll have no problem making the right decision immediately when you’re presented with the opportunity of a lifetime because He always wants you to… 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.