The Importance of Patience in Inbound Marketing

From today’s reading…

When Abram (not yet called Abraham…we’ll get to that later) was 75 years old and had no children with Sarah God told him:

“I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth; if anyone could count the dust of the earth, your descendants too might be counted.”

If you and I were 75 we’d be looking for the nearest Bingo hall and yelling at kids to get off our lawns, not picking out playpins and buying Barney books.

But Abram kept on keeping on and had trust in the Lord.

He had a bigger vision and he had faith.

He had to wait 24 more years to hold Isaac in his arms with Sarah. (We’ll get to Ishmael later, too.)

How big is your vision?

What are you willing to endure to make it a reality?

40 years in the desert?

24 years to meet your child?

How about 24 months to build a business?

How about 24 weeks to implement proven, tested, repeatable systems that produce visitors, leads, customers, referrals, and testimonials?

Fine…can you give me at least 24 days to help you straighten out what you’ve spent 24 or 32 or 47 years messing up?


You want it done in 24 hours?

(Okay. What’s the limit on your unlimited Amex?)

God could’ve sent a 747 or a train or even teleported the Israelites out of Egypt but He didn’t.


Even if you’re not a believer there are valuable lessons to be learned about endurance and dedication from a 4,000+ year old story that has endured.

Stay the course. Have faith in your vision. Endure.

If you want to improve sales through inbound marketing, contact Wes Schaeffer the most trusted online sales trainer for CRM Softwares.