The Importance of Right from Wrong in Inbound Marketing

From today’s reading…

“Give your servant, therefore, an understanding heart to judge your people and to distinguish right from wrong.”

What are you asking for?What are you searching for?What are you working for?

Likes?Followers?Retweets?6-pack abs…or just a 6-pack to numb your thinking because it was a little too hard this week to be understanding?

Today there are fewer people seeking to understand right from wrong because we’re told there is no right and wrong.

Celebrities, the media, even elected officials are quick to quip:

  • “Do what makes you happy.”

  • “Do what feels right to you.”

  • “YOLO!”

  • “As long as you’re both consenting adults…and you’re not hurting anyone…go for it.”

We’re shouted down for not accepting the actions of people who don’t accept themselves and are scolded “Judge not lest ye be judged!” (But what about “If your brother sins against you, rebuke him.” I guess I’ll have to address that later.)

It’s why you see millionaire A-List actors and musicians who are supposed to “have it all” and “are living the dream” in rehab, in divorce court, in bankruptcy court, and in the grave.

Deep down we know right from wrong.Deep down we know the truth.

The purpose of life is to find the courage to continue the journey to find that truth and to bring it from deep down to the surface for all to see.

To be that example.To have an understanding heart.To rise above the noise and confusion not so we can lord it over all, but to be in a position to lend a helping hand to others who are also seeking, searching, hurting, and misunderstanding.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

If you need help in inbound marketing, contact Wes Schaeffer now!