The Introvert’s Edge To Networking: Matthew Pollard

Introverts can and do make great salespeople 

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Sales Tips you’ll learn today on The Sales Podcast

  • How to sell as an introvert

  • Why introverts make great salespeople

  • Started and owned five multi-million dollar businesses before the age of 30

  • Had a 6th-grade reading comprehension in high school

  • Fell into sales out of high school to find himself before university

  • Did data entry but the business shut down in three weeks

  • Forced into sales during Christmas, which is also their summer

  • Selling business telecom services door-to-door

  • Faced a lot of rejection

  • On his 93rd door he made $73

  • Was excited until he realized he had to do it again the next day

  • The “hustle” mentality was not exciting

  • He looked for systems

  • Looked up “sales system” on YouTube

  • Sold during the day, self-taught at night

  • Made one sale every three doors

  • 18 out of 20 of his peers quit

  • Became #1 in six weeks

  • Promoted 7 times in 12 months

  • Great marketing makes sales easy

  • Oh…your business is different?

  • People don’t want to meet people who sell commodities, which lead right to a price discussion

  • “You want to help people? Can you narrow it down?”

  • Describe your passion and your why when networking to differentiate yourself

  • People make assumptions when you say “I sell” or “I offer” then insert commodity

  • Small hinges swing big doors

  • He initially was talking to the wrong people at first when he was selling door-to-door

I’m here to see if you qualify…” and that made a huge difference

  • Don’t show up and start pitching

  • Ask better questions

  • Don’t just flip through the catalog or brochure

  • The power of storytelling is strong

    • Creates artificial rapport

    • It short-circuits/bypassing the logical part of the brain

    • “I understand…however,…” and tell a story of a successful client in a similar situation.

  • Most salespeople get the sales process out of order

  • He follows a seven-step sequence

  • He was given a team of 20 and they all quit within 48 hours

  • He went back to YouTube to learn how to manage

  • He got promoted too fast

  • He was miserable in his first job eventually, despite winning awards and making great money

  • When you start your own business you need to realize how you inherit goals from others and they may not be what you want

  • He was trying to prove he was “worth something”

  • He has a podcast called “The Better Business Coach Podcast,” check out episode #17

  • Most millionaires are actually living low-key

  • Many feel anxious all the time because they are out of alignment

  • Do what you care about

  • Where are you sipping bourbon?

  • What type of bourbon?

  • How much does it cost?

  • Revenue is great, but profit is what matters.

  • People don’t take time to think anymore

  • We don’t know what we want

  • Rapid Growth The Lazy Way

  • Use the bookmark button on audiobooks

  • You have to be the loudest if you can’t be the clearest

  • Automation is key

  • Pinterest is a search engine, not a social following/conversation site

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast