The Leaders Looked To Trick Him

From today’s reading…

It was two days before the Passover and the feast of Unleavened Bread, and the chief priests and the scribes were looking for a way to arrest Jesus by some trick and have him put to death. For they said, ‘It must not be during the festivities, or there will be a disturbance among the people.’” Mark 14:1-2

Two famous strategies come to mind as I read the opening of Mark on this Palm Sunday:

  1. “Divide and conquer.”

  2. “Bread and circus.”

The cushy elite doesn’t like their minions getting all uppity and asking questions those in the ivory tower can’t—or don’t want to—answer.

The nobility doesn’t want their underlings thinking for themselves.

The aristocracy can’t allow grassroots efforts to become independent and self-reliant by their lackeys to gain momentum.

So they divide us—think social distancing, masks, snitching apps, and vaccine passports—give us bread—think stimmy checks—and circus—think “debates” between our elected idiots on CNN, Fox News, and Twitter.

If you think times have changed, that this time it’s different, that we are more civilized today, that our priests and scribes, governors and judges, police and presidents wouldn’t cull us like the over-medicated, over-stimulated, over-weight sheep we are to sacrifice us to their beloved Satan, well bless your heart.

As I write this, a homosexual singer has a music video where he gives a lap dance on Satan, and he has partnered with Nike to release 666 pairs of his shoes with human blood in them.

Today, you and I will give—via confiscated taxes—almost $2 million to Planned Parenthood to kill nearly 1,000 babies.


Not in a year.

In. A. Day.


Palm Sunday.

But hey, you got your stimulus check, March Madness is getting good, baseball is heating up, the NBA is getting back to business, and the NFL draft will be here soon enough.

So be sure to get your government-approved snitching app and “probably safe” rushed vaccine and start turning in your neighbors—I mean, Judas was one of the 12, so we can be like him, right?—because we need to show the elite that we are well-behaved and toeing the line if we want them to allow us to have a small BBQ in 98 days to, ya know, celebrate our independence from distant elitists who wanted to force us to pay for their wars, their oppression, and their loving, tolerant dictatorial reign.

Please wake up. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.