The Life and Death of Victims and Victors

From today’s reading…

With their patience worn out by the journey, the people complained against God and Moses,…”

These former slaves did not like the journey to freedom.

These former slaves preferred to eat in captivity.

These former slaves were still slaves in their minds.

These former slaves were not former slaves with that mentality.

Capital One asks “What’s in your wallet?”

We should ask “What’s in your head?”

As we see in today’s reading, your body can be free but if your mind, your attitude, and your vision are not right, you’re still a prisoner.

And that stinkin’ thinkin’ leads to death.

And while someone may overpower you physically and detain you, you’re the one who controls how you react and process the setbacks and challenges you encounter.

Are you a prisoner or are you free?

Are you a victim or the victor?

Do you want an easy, simple life or the fortitude to handle whatever comes your way?

Remember, the stories we remember are told about those who…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.