The Living Your Truth Lie

From today’s reading…

All the ways of a man may be right in his own eyes,

but it is the LORD who proves hearts.” Proverbs 21:2

You can’t scroll more than a few posts without seeing someone state they are “living their truth.”

It’s meant to be a sign that they are progressive or enlightened or “spiritual but not religious” or some other mumbo jumbo.

It reminds me of the saying, “You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.”

Too many people today have either not been taught how to think, have forgotten how to think, or are too lazy and selfish to think. It’s not good for them. It’s not good for you and me. It’s not good for society because it leads to thoughtless, selfish actions that the non-thinker convinces himself as truth because, to him, “his truth” is all that matters.

Truth is defined as “that which is in accordance with fact or reality.”

If you jack up your truck and put massive tires on it without adjusting your speedometer, “your speeding truth” will soon be tested, not to your liking.

When you try to tell the officer “but according to my truth I wasn’t speeding,” she’d say “Save it for the judge.”

There is only one Truth and living in search of and according to that Truth is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.