The Lord Formed You In The Womb To Serve

From today’s reading…

Now the LORD has spoken who formed me as his servant from the womb,…”

Over 27 centuries ago Isaiah knew that life began at conception. Heck, everyone knew that life began at conception because it’s obvious. 

That’s not to say everyone then valued all life at all times, but everyone—the pagans, the uneducated, the barbarians, the savages, the unenlightened, the peasants, the dictators—knew that men and women existed, that men impregnated women, and that women carried a living human being in their wombs. 

But those who call evil good walk continue to walk among us. (Isaiah warned us about them, too in Chapter 5:20.)

Not only do they kill the unborn, they take our tax dollars to indoctrinate our children that it’s good—that it’s a right—to kill the unborn that the Lord formed in the womb.

But the Lord who formed us and knows every hair on our head knew the battle that would unfold and He has a secret weapon.

I will make you a light to the nations,

that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth.”

You and I are His secret weapons. We’re called to serve Him in bringing His light to those in darkness. 

As we help those find salvation, we shall be saved, but only if we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.