The Lost Elder

From today’s reading…

“Do not be amazed that I told you,

‘You must be born from above.’

The wind blows where it wills,

and you can hear the sound it makes,

but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes;

so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:7-8

Nicodemus was an elder. A powerful man. A ruler.

Yet he had no clue.

Sound familiar?

In both the secular and religious realms across the globe we find elders, powerful men and women, rulers making declarations, proclamations, and pontifications while clueless.

Some mean well. Some do not.

Many are, at best, frightened and scared.

Some are evil and are using their allies in the media, in technology, and in all levels of the government to expand their power at the expense of any and all who stand in their way.

They rely on several facts as they pertain to human nature:

  1. Most people are uneducated.

  2. Most people are lazy.

  3. Most people are too trusting of the government.

  4. Most people want and need to be told what to do.

  5. Most people do not have the courage of their convictions.

It’s the rare leader that has your best interests at heart. Look closely at both their words and their actions when they give you instructions and/or orders. Look closely at their track records as well as their advisors and associates.

By their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:16

Produce good fruits and beware of the bad apples, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.