The Love of a Parent

From today’s reading…

…so that I may give you my special blessing before I die.”

Even the worst parents want blessings for their children.

Even the worst children are still loved by their parents.

Isaac promised his firstborn, Esau, all that was his but Esau’s twin, Jacob, conspired with their mother, Rebekah, to steal the blessing.

Yet the blessing was given and remained in place even after Isaac learned of the deception.

Isaac was a bigger man than me. (There would’ve been the ultimate silent treatment along with “don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya” if that was my house.)

What can we learn from this?

  1. You and I have a perfect father who wants nothing but blessings for us.

  2. The blessings are not always obvious in the moment because the inventor of time works on His own timeline.

  3. You need a lot of lemons to make lemonade.

So love your deceitful enemies, even if they’re your own kinfolk.

Pray for patience.Pray for perseverance.Pray for wisdom.Pray for understanding.

And don’t make any decisions in the heat of the moment or out of spite (as Esau does in the next chapter.)

Things are right on course.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.