The Pharisees Demanded a Sign

From today’s reading…

The Pharisees came up and started a discussion with him; they demanded of him a sign from heaven, to put him to the test. And with a profound sigh he said, ‘Why does this generation demand a sign? In truth I tell you, no sign shall be given to this generation.’” Mark 8:11-12

In my early days in sales, I felt like a dancing chicken or a quote monkey.

I’d take a call from a prospect, and in my eagerness to please them, I’d do whatever they asked because I thought since they were asking for a demo or a quote, then they were serious and would surely buy if I only took the time to be thorough and friendly and polite and efficient.


Prospects do ask for demos when they’re not serious buyers.

Some are just curious.

Some are bored.

Some think they’ll find inspiration or the answers they need during the demo.

Some are just getting a quote from you to beat up their current vendor for a better price.

Some are happy with their current supplier, but management wants them to get three bids, so they go through the motions of researching other suppliers with no intention to switch.

Ditto for politicians, religious “leaders,” and trolls on social media.

You see them barely hide their  attacks as sincere inquiries, i.e., “I’m just asking questions.”

They listen not to learn but to attack.

You can have the wisdom of Solomon, bring forth water from a stone like Moses, or heal the blind and the lame like Jesus, and they’d walk away murmuring about how it was some trick.

Not everyone is worth your time and energy.

Choose who to lose.

It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.