The Plans of Your Princes Perish

From today’s reading…

Put not your trust in princes,

in the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation.

When his spirit departs he returns to his earth;

on that day his plans perish.” Psalm 146:3-4

How many times have you heard this past month—let alone the last 20 years—that “this election is the most important election of our lifetime” from both sides of the aisle? We’re led to believe that the world will stop spinning if the other side wins while ignoring the reality that both sides are filled with career politicians with the same motivation: do whatever it takes to remain in power. Whatever. It. Takes.

I’ve heard it said that by the time a person does what they need to do to become President, they are no longer worthy of the office. Personally, I think that applies to their first major election and most certainly to their reelection. (But I’m a jaded old man, so take that with a grain of salt…and a 4-finger pour of bourbon. Now where was I…?)

Looky here, I’m not saying it’s bad to be proactive and even vocal in supporting the candidates in which you believe. There are some good ones out there who have not yet sold their souls, and if smart people paid attention we could, theoretically, get more good, honest representatives in office who are true public servants, which really would help our nation and even the world.

But no-one—not the president, not your senator, not your governor, not your mayor, not even your sheriff—is worthy of your undying devotion and support. These are mere mortals who, because of the spotlights that are on them, are more broken and fatally flawed than you and me.

So by all means engage in honest, wholesome campaigning in support of good candidates for the right reasons, but make sure everything they do helps everyone…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.