The Power of One

From today’s reading…

Forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed,…”

You know that dude on the street corner with the scary sign shouting at everyone who drives by telling us we’re all gonna die and we all do our best to not make eye contact and just get past him?

Well that was Jonah back in the day as he strolled through Nineveh, which was so large it took three days to walk through.

But on the first day the people heard his message and repented.Then the king repented.Then God repented and did not destroy the city.

The power of one.

God needed Jonah to deliver His message to save an entire city.Jonah needed the first person in Nineveh to heed His message.The city needed one king to heed His message.

You are more powerful than you may ever realize.

The world needs you to realize—and leverage—the immense power you possess and use it for good, for love, for peace, for understanding, for repentance now.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.