The Power of Touch

From today’s reading…

He stretched out his hand, touched him, and said,

‘I am willing. Be made clean.'”

The power of touch.

Jesus could’ve snapped his fingers, twitched his nose like Samantha on Bewitched or just given the nod and cured the leper in today’s story in Matthew.

Instead, Jesus touched the leper.


The power of touch.

Jesus also wanted everyone to see that he was not afraid of getting close to the sick, the outcast, the sinners. (Everyone thought lepers were sinners, thus the leprosy.)

Who are the lepers today?

The unemployed?The homeless?Democrats?Republicans?Libertarians?People with tattoos? People with no tattoos?

Joel Bauer taught me how to get powerful testimonials from people who attend my training and/or talks and I hold their hand while we record.

Yes, even men and they are all fine with it.

A couple of weeks ago we were sitting at a table so we did “knuckles,” but we made physical contact and everyone did their testimonial in one take except for one guy who wanted to start over and he nailed it on the second take.

The power of touch.

Studies have shown that female servers who touch their patrons lightly on the arm, hand, or shoulder earn higher tips.

In business your handshake says a lot about you in an instant.

Having raised seven children (and now a puppy) I can verify that a hug is a beautiful thing.

Who are you touching regularly?

Who are you avoiding touching?

Are you avoiding being touched?

From now on make it a point to make contact with those around you.

Maybe it’s a hug or a handshake or a hand on the shoulder.

But make the connection.You’ll be glad you did.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.