The Price of Obstinance

From today’s reading…

Although Moses and Aaron performed various wonders

in Pharaoh’s presence,

the LORD made Pharaoh obstinate,

and he would not let the children of Israel leave his land.”

Being obstinate against the will of God is the ultimate form of biting off more than you can chew.

Pharaoh abused the Israelites and he ignored not one, not two, not three,…but nine signs that he was facing something bigger than him.

But he won’t be able to ignore the 10th. 

Today we read how the lamb came to represent the ultimate sacrifice and protection from death.

Keep holy the sabbath. Keep holy the month of the ultimate sacrifice. Keep holy the month of the ultimate protection. 

Because only by remembering the blood and the life that was shed for us can we…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.