The Problem With Abundance

From today’s reading…

The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few;…”

Do the work.

See the abundance around you and do the work to partake in it.

Ripe fruit will drop the ground and spoil unless you put on your work boots, grab your basket and tools, walk out into the fields under the hot sun, pick it and store it.

Recognize your gifts and do the work to secure and leverage them so all may benefit from them.

The apple farmer is counting on the grape farmer who is counting on the wheat farmer who is counting on the cattle farmer who is counting on the chicken farmer to each do their part, nurture and harvest from their abundance so they can trade and support one another in abundance.

But the laborers are few.

That means you must lead by example.

Do the work.

You’ll attract the right laborers to help…when you do the work. You complain that people are lazy or lacking initiative or entitled or dishonest? Ensure that none can say that about you.

Do the work.

As you scroll through social media posts it seems “everyone” is comfy and cozy, leading the “good life.” That only “suckers” work hard.

Yet most of those posts are lies and since when was the goal to be a self-indulging glutton?

Do the work.

God Himself worked six days a week. Even Adam and Eve had to tend to the garden, and that was before the fall.

God didn’t just drop organic grapes and non-GMO milk into their mouths as they laid in a hammock.

Do the work.

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.