The Right Way To Do Righteous Deeds

From today’s reading…

Jesus said to his disciples:

‘Take care not to perform righteous deeds

in order that people may see them;

otherwise, you will have no recompense from your heavenly Father.’” (Matthew 6:1)

Thanks to GoPros, security cameras, hidden cameras, and smartphones it seems no good deed goes undocumented these days.

Then that good deed is shared, promoted, and touted—usually by the “hesitant” Good Samaritan—who offers it “to simply bring awareness” (when we all know it’s usually more of a “humblebrag”).

Now don’t get me wrong. Bringing awareness to issues and their solutions is a good thing.

As I type this I have a cross of ashes on my forehead to commemorate the beginning of the 40 days of Lent.

Some could, would, and do say my wearing of ashes on my forehead in public is a “righteous deed” done purely for the sake of being seen.

But what makes something righteous vs. pompous, arrogant, or vain is your intention.

I get the ashes on my forehead to remind myself that I am dust and to dust shall I return.

I also do it as a visible sign to others to both remind them we are entering into a special season—Lent—and also for others to ask me about it…”Hey…Buddy…you…ahhh…you got something on your forehead.”

Remember, it’s foolish to light a lamp and put it under a basket. We are to be a light in this world of darkness. (Matthew 5:15-16)

But nine times out of ten, the flashlight on your smartphone is all that’s needed to show someone where to step in the darkness, not a spotlight from a Broadway play.

So, by all means, shine and serve, just do it to help others—and yourself—…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.