The Ruins Shall Be Rebuilt For You

From today’s reading…

“‘Repairer of the breach,’ they shall call you,

‘Restorer of ruined homesteads.'”

During the season there are a total of just:

  • 450 men in the NBA.

  • 750-1,200 in the MLB.

  • 1,696 in the NFL.

However, those numbers are huge compared to the total number of active astronauts in the U.S.—38—and total Nobel Prize Winners each year—six categories with a maximum of three shared winners per category for a maximum total of just 18.

Yet you and I can “restore homesteads” and set into motion…

The ancient ruins shall be rebuilt for your sake,

and the foundations from ages past you shall raise up;”

That sounds a whole lot better than throwing and catching a ball, although, if I’m being honest, flying through space and/or curing diseases that used to kill millions are close runner-ups to rebuilding ancient ruins…but still not as great.

You and I are not big enough or strong enough or fast enough or practiced enough to become a professional athlete or astronaut or famous physician.

But we can raise up “foundations from ages past” if we’ll only…

  • help the oppressed.

  • speak the truth.

  • speak kindly to and of others.

  • feed the hungry.

  • assist the afflicted.

Do this and your strength will be renewed. “Light shall rise for you.” Gloom will be eliminated. Plenty will be given to you. 

You just need to simply stop “following your ways” and keep holy the sabbath, because that’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.