The Ruses are Rampant

From today’s reading…

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness in the eyes of God, for it is written: God catches the wise in their own ruses,…”

In the good ol’ days only the rich, powerful, and/or true scoundrels (who were often one in the same) could get their foolish words out in front of the masses to manipulate and misguide them.

Today you can’t throw a dead cat without hitting someone pontificating for all the world to see.

The noise is deafening.

And that’s just from your neighbor pitching Forex trading along with lotions and potions.

Add into the mix billion—and, now, trillion—dollar corporations, celebrities, athletes, and politicians who spend every waking moment—and billions of dollars—testing, split-testing, measuring, monitoring, adjusting, and re-launching manipulative—and effective—ad campaigns to pit us against one another and we see the wisdom of fools readily displayed every second of every day.

I’m beginning to think the Amish are onto something.

I’d have to work on my penmanship…and I’d have to write this daily reading post a few weeks early to get it to the printing press and mailed off to those who’d pay to have it delivered.

But I bet the quiet would be incredible.

Find your own quiet so you can find the truth, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.