The Sickle and Press Awaits Those Who Create Stress

From today’s reading…

Egypt shall be a waste,

and Edom a desert waste,

Because of violence done to the people of Judah,

because they shed innocent blood in their land.”

Today’s reading from Joel opens with the Lord inviting “the nations” to the Valley of Jehoshaphat so He can judge them. Being invited to Jehoshaphat would be like receiving an invitation to Compton or Tijuana or Ramadi today.

It’s the opposite of the Nordic city of Valhalla. It’s where the enemies of Judah are taken to be judged and punished.

These enemies will receive the sickle and be tread like harvested grapes in the wine press.

The innocent blood they shed does not go unnoticed nor does it go unpunished.

A land of new wine, milk, and fountains of water await all who…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.