The Silver Bullet For Growing Your Business in 2022

There is a silver bullet for growing your business in 2022.It’s a big bullet.It’s a slow bullet.It’s a powerful bullet.Like any and all bullets…it’s gonna leave a mark.And like far too many entrepreneurs have discovered the hard way, you can’t just cut a check to some self-professed goo-roo and say,

Go do what whatever it is you do while I sit in the shade in this hammock and count my money and make Instagram videos.”

Are you ready for the silver bullet?

Are you really ready?

I mean, are you REALLY REALLY ready?


Here is the silver bullet for growing your business…


(I told you this silver bullet would leave a mark, didn’t I?)

You’re better off believing Santa will partner with a leprechaun and ride in on a unicorn and drop happy prospects in your lap with their pockets full of gold and Bitcoin and who will pay top dollar for you to work your magic than wasting time, money, and energy looking for a silver bullet for your business.

Just like getting in physical shape, developing a healthy, sound inbound sales and marketing program that is predictable, repeatable, and profitable in good times and in bad, requires time, effort, dedication, attention to detail, and more than a little blood, sweat, and tears.

That’s why there are fitness trainers and dudes like me offering private consulting to help you reach your big, hairy, audacious goals.

Why is it so hard to create effective inbound marketing that helps you grow your sales predictably?

When it comes to growing your sales, few business owners understand that there are only two reasons people don’t buy from you:

  1. Your market doesn’t know about you.

  2. Or they do.

Ouch, huh?

Here’s the double-edged sword when it comes to retaining someone like me to help you improve your sales and marketing.

I can help you get found on the internet, pop up on social media sites, stand out at a trade show and otherwise make the phone ring.

But if you and/or your employees suffer from:

  • A systemic inability to answer the phone promptly, politely and energetically, and/or,

  • A habit of greeting new prospects with slothful staff chomping on a tuna sandwich while their feet are propped up on the front desk, and/or

  • An inability to fill out standard forms and do basic data entry, and/or,

  • A dirty, stinky, crowded, under-stocked, under-staffed facility, and/or,

  • Staff that won’t follow your instructions, and/or,

  • The social and people and communication skills of Attila the Hun with a toothache, which causes your people to run for the hills when they see you pull up into the parking lot…

…then what you need is not a silver bullet but a box of silver bullets…and a house-cleaning…and an attitude adjustment.

But if all of the above are in order…

And…if you have a quality product and a solid reputation…

And…your staff is fine and business is “fine” but not great…

And…you’re ready, willing, and able to do what it takes to grow your business in 2022 I’ll tell you the biggest silver bullet on the planet is for growing your business beyond your wildest dreams.

Are you ready?

It’s a good coach/mentor/advisor that will tell you:

  • “How the cow eats the cabbage.” (You can thank my dad for that colloquialism.)

  • Where your business needs improvement.

  • Where your blind spots are.

  • How to create realistic goals and action plans, and…,

  • Hold you accountable to reach them.

If your business is ready for the show, I’ll help you tell the world.

If it’s not ready for show, I’ll help you get it there, then help you tell the world.

But paying to market a business that is not ready to make that great first impression is like running your air conditioner with your windows open.

It just doesn’t add up.

I’m ready to help you grow. Are you coachable? Are you ready to do what it takes to grow?

Market like you mean it. Now go sell something.