The Source of Trust, Guidance,…and a Cajun Roux

From today’s reading…

The law of the LORD is perfect,

refreshing the soul.

The decree of the LORD is trustworthy,

giving wisdom to the simple.” Psalm 19:8

The Psalms are 2,200 to 2,600 years old and they are still good, accurate, and correct.

Our “modern science” can’t decide if eggs are good or bad for us but they poo-poo medicinal marijuana as if they’re paid to do it. (Oops.)

Our healthcare providers won’t discuss intermittent fasting but they’ll tell us to gorge ourselves on bread, cereal, pasta, and rice per the government food pyramid that has merely lead to obesity and diabetes epidemics as if they’re paid to do it. (Oops.)

Our schools recommend ADHD meds and blame the kids instead of looking at their failed policies then ask for more money to fund more questionable studies like they’re paid to do it. (Oops.)

Marx, Stalin, Lenin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, Maduro, the Kims of North Korea (and Bernie’s people if they are given an inch) all promised equality, the end of poverty, the end of class warfare, universal healthcare, education, and utopia.

They all lied, and hundreds of millions of people have suffered and died because of mistakes and outright lies by all of the above.

Lookey here.

Everything in the universe—including the universe itself with its Big Bang—everything from rivers, to software, to great Cajun gumbo have a source (or a  good roux, which is the source of gumbo, jambalaya, etc.)

And the source/source code/roux/Utopia for you and me is only found in God, who reveals Himself in today’s reading, in His eternal Word, which has remained steady, consistent, unchanged, and true since it was first written.

Knowing you have such an unwavering Guide should help you to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.