The Spirit, Not The Law, Guides You

From today’s reading…

But when you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law.” Galatians 5:18

There’s a lot of fake news out there between Protestants and Catholics because there is a misunderstanding about what is meant by being “under the Law” as described in the New Testament versus being obedient to God.

Catholics do not believe you can work your way into heaven, nor do Catholics believe in “once saved, always saved,” or “sola fide.”

What Paul describes today as “the Law” has its roots all the way back to Moses and the 613 Jewish commandments (mitzvot in Hebrew) extracted from the Old Testament.

Followers of “the Way” were no longer bound by those 613 laws, they were bound by the Holy Spirit as sent by God and exampled by Jesus.

When you follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will obey God, which means you will act appropriately, which means you will probably be saved, but we don’t know, because we must follow Paul’s advice to the Philippians, “So, my dear friends, you have always been obedient; your obedience must not be limited to times when I am present. Now that I am absent it must be more in evidence, so work out your salvation in fear and trembling,” (2:12), which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.