The Struggle Is Real

From today’s reading…

Rather, after we had suffered and been insolently treated,

as you know, in Philippi,

we drew courage through our God

to speak to you the Gospel of God with much struggle.”

Even in paradise, before the fall, Adam and Eve had to work the garden. God did not make them a hammock and send cherubim to fan them and feed them grapes.

As the football season kicks off notice that the players recruited/drafted didn’t just kick back once they were chosen and collect accolades.

On the contrary, an 18-year old kid recruited to play college ball begins working harder than they ever have. Ditto for the 21-year old kid who is drafted to play in the NFL.

Challenges and struggles and problems don’t go away as you get better, they get bigger, more complex, and more powerful.

Ditto for your faith.

God never said

Accept my Son as your personal Lord and Savior and you’ll be on easy street. You’ll never have morning breath. Your kids will do their chores without asking. Slow drivers will get out of the left lane so you can get to work on time, every time. And you will never have to dust your home for I will keep it dust and cobweb-free.”


He said

Pick up your cross and follow me.”

There is nothing admirable or inspirational in living a comfortable life.

“He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth” is not a compliment.

“He beat the odds” is a compliment.

If you are being mistreated as you share the Good News and even yourself, know that you are on the right track and in good company as you…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.