The Time Has Become Limited

From today’s reading…

What I mean, brothers, is that the time has become limited,…Because this world as we know it is passing away.” 1 Corinthians 7:29a, 31b

Today Paul reminds us that we don’t have all day to do what matters, which Jesus reiterates today in Mark 1:15, “…the kingdom of God is close at hand.”

In the last two months, two men I know in their 50’s died suddenly and unexpectedly of massive heart attacks leaving family and friends devastated.

My friend in Houston, Willie, was dressed for work and texting his staff that he was on his way and would be bringing doughnuts. He died soon after sending that text.

Willie thought he had more time.

Willie met my family and me for lunch in Houston back in June when we drove through town in our RV. We didn’t get a picture together.

We thought we had more time.

How much time did you waste yesterday angry that someone cut you off on the road, arguing with a bot, surfing porn, or holding a grudge because you thought you had more time?

How long have you put off going back to church, joining that Bible study group, or volunteering for a local charity, because you think you have more time?

How many homeless people slept in the cold last night, missed a meal, or even died because you put off feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, welcoming the stranger, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and the imprisoned?

May I give you a little insight? When you do for others you’re not saving them. You’re saving yourself.

So you see? It really is better to give than to receive. So start giving. It’s the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.