The Truth Is Your Freedom

From today’s reading…

“Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him,

‘If you remain in my word, you will truly be my disciples,

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’” John 8:31-32

There’s an old saying that the truth doesn’t matter if you’re asking the wrong questions.

For years—generations—we’ve been tricked into believing that the truth was found in:

  • mega homes

  • fancy cars

  • big TVs

  • fantasy sports

  • longer eyelashes

  • corner offices

  • exotic vacations

  • $1,000 shoes, $2,500 purses, $5,000 suits, $10,000 watches

We’d soothe our guilt and say “I’m doing it for the kids…I’m doing it for my family.”

How can I say this…ahhh…gently…HORSE-PUCKY!

Over the last few weeks I hope you’ve rediscovered the simple joys—truths—of life:

  • sharing meals with your family at home

  • doing puzzles together

  • going for walks/runs/bike rides together

  • getting to bed at a decent hour

  • reading bedtime stories and tucking the little ones in

  • having honest conversations with co-workers, prospects, and clients.

A month ago you were

  • honking at a stranger for trying to merge into your lane on the way to work

  • yelling at your spouse for not picking up your dry cleaning and now you have to wear the white shirt instead of the light blue shirt and you were MAD!

  • rushing Junior from batting practice to his conditioning coach before band practice

  • parking and calling for a manager because the minimum wage barista only gave you seven packets of Stevia instead of eight…and you’re a Yelper!

But deep down you knew things weren’t right.

It was way deep down.

So deep down it took a pandemic and 6 weeks at home to clear the rubble of our former lives to find the little sprout that was struggling for a little ray of sunlight…a drop of clean water…a sprinkle of love.

As you jettison the junk, the crap, and the garbage of your life Pre-COVID-19, you’ll bounce back faster, farther, and happier than you ever dreamed possible because you’ll have more of what is good and pure and True in your life.

It won’t be easy, but nothing in life worth doing ever is. 

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.