The WOW of a Whisper

From today’s reading…

After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.”

Teddy Roosevelt of “speak softly and carry a big stick” fame, was a fan of Elijah’s.

Elijah was standing on a mountain and saw a “crushing” wind, earthquake, and fire…but God came to him in a whisper.

In today’s age of digital radio we’ve lost the art of finding the signal in the noise.

How often would we be on a long road trip and we wanted to keep listening to the game or “The rest of the story” so we’d finesse and caress that radio knob in an attempt to find the signal in the noise?

We’d celebrate when we got to the top of a hill where the signal was stronger and accelerate through the valley where we the signal was weaker.

Since we knew what we were looking for and we focused on obtaining it we got what we needed, despite the imperfection of the delivery mechanism.

Where are you looking?What are you hoping to find? Don’t be the fool looking for his car keys under the street light two blocks from where he lost his keys because “this is where the light is best.” The signal—like the stars—is always there. If you know what you are looking for and you are patient and tuned in and focused you’ll find it, even if it’s as small as a mustard seed or as faint as a whisper.

Your Rock will help you…Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.