The Wrath and Love of Moses

From today’s reading…

On the next day Moses said to the people,

‘You have committed a grave sin.

I will go up to the LORD, then;

perhaps I may be able to make atonement for your sin.’”

From Exodus 19 to 32 Moses heads up and down Mount Sinai receiving and relaying the instructions of God to the Israelites.

Just two days ago, Saturday, July 24, 2019, we see the Israelites proclaim in Exodus 24,

We will do everything that the LORD has told us.”

But the Israelites do not hear from Moses from Exodus 24 to today’s reading from Exodus 32, so they assume the worst and allowed their fears to lead them into sin as they begged Aaron, the brother and former spokesman of Moses, to make for them a golden calf.

(Before you get all high and mighty and think you’d never do that let me ask you something. How long did it take you to stop pursuing your New Year’s resolutions? Can you even find them now?)

That’s where we pick up today and see Moses filled with anger at the actions of the people he has been leading. But like a good leader, he loves his people with all of their imperfections, and intervenes on their behalf and seeks the forgiveness of God. Moses even offers his own life on their behalf.

Like you and me, Moses had his flaws, but he did love his people and trusted the Lord, which is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.