Then I Declared My Sin To You

From today’s reading…

Then I declared my sin to you;

my guilt I did not hide.

I said, ‘I confess my transgression to the LORD,’

and you took away the guilt of my sin.” Psalms 32:5

Your mind, your conscience, your sub-conscience, your entire physiology are powerful.

They keep you from doing wrong and when you do wrong they keep you from being fully you until you make things right.

Stolen items are called “hot” because the physiology of the thief literally ratchets up, including their heart rate, breathing, and core body temperature such that their hands perspire and transfer their elevated body heat to the stolen object, thus the stolen object being “hot.”

Those in law enforcement receive confessions regularly from people who just wanted to get their crimes off their chests.

Many times an arsonist, vandal, even a murderer will return to the scene of the crime, in part to appreciate their handiwork, but partly to be caught.

They say simply admitting you have a problem means you’re halfway to solving it. I’ve heard many times that when someone is new to A.A. they stand up, introduce themselves, and say “I’m an alcoholic.”

BAM! You’re well on your way to recovery.

Psalms 32 helps reinforce these points.

We saw yesterday how David cried over the death of his son who had raised an army to defeat his own father, yet David still loved him and was even willing to trade places with him.

If an adulterous, murdering, vain father like David can have such love and forgiveness for his son who rebelled against him, how much more so does our Father heaven?

Confess. Repent. Strive to repair what you have broken and you will be forgiven.

And coming clean is the only way to…

Stay the course.Keep the faith.Endure.

Now go sell something.